Releasing Stress and Finding Inner Calm

Before we begin, let’s take a moment to relax and be present. Relax your shoulders and your jaw. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Shake off the stress. I hope that you feel more relaxed!

Unfortunately, stress sneaks up on us when we least expect it (and even when we do expect it)! Between work, our families, and the constant digital buzz, life tends to pull us in all different directions at the same time, leaving us feeling frazzled and anxious at times. Life will always be busy, but I believe we can take some steps this quarter and time of the year to find some inner peace. Let's talk about how to harness mindfulness to release stress and find our inner calm.

Releasing stress and finding inner calm through mindfulness

Chapter 1: Getting to Know Stress

Let’s talk about our common enemy: stress.

Stress is like that uninvited guest who sometimes overstays their welcome well past the end of the party. Don’t get me wrong, stress can be a natural response to the different challenges and experiences we face, and sometimes it can be a good thing. Now, before we continue, don’t take that last sentence as permission to not conquer your stress. Just like everything else in life, too much stress is bad for us, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

1.1 Stress: The Body's Drama Queen

Grab your planner and let’s write!

How does stress affect you? I’ll be the first to admit that I DO NOT like the version of myself who is constantly stressed out. I can be irritable, sad, and angry. It’s not fair to myself or those around me. Simply put, stress ruins the mood.

1.2 What stresses you out though?

Here’s the next question for contemplation or journaling: what stresses you out?

Be specific here! Yes, work might stress you out, but what is it about work that stresses you out? Your coworkers? The workload? Everything in between?

Stressors can be tough to identify because they can come from external or internal sources. Sometimes stress comes from things like family drama, but other times something internally can cause the stress (like our inner critic). Your list doesn’t have to be important; what’s key here is recognizing the source of your stress.

Chapter 2: Embracing the Magic of Mindfulness

Now that we know what we're up against, let’s talk about stress’s kryptonite: mindfulness.* Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment to be still and appreciate the moment, without judging yourself or others.

*Mindfulness cannot solve everything! Sometimes the only way to conquer the stress is to remove the stressor. Let’s be realistic though: sometimes life is not that easy and you cannot remove everything from your life that stresses you out. But you can use mindfulness to help cope with the stress!

2.1 Breathing

Did you giggle? I definitely did when writing/editing this post!

A big part of mindfulness for me is focusing on my breathing. Sometimes this simple act itself is enough to help me avoid a spiraling moment or thought. Intentional or mindful breathing also helps me to take a few moments to remind myself that although I am stressed, I can get through this moment.

Basically, mindful breathing is like a mini-vacation for your mind. So grab your planner and take some time to plan out 5 mindful breathing moments in the next week.

2.2 Body Scanning

Another form of mindfulness is conducting a body scan. Sometimes I take a “scan” of my body to help me stay present and practice mindfulness. I ask myself, what can I see? What do I feel? What do I smell? This exercise helps me leave a stressful moment and come back to it when I am ready.

Chapter 3: Little Acts of Mindfulness

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be a long and drawn-out process. Let’s talk about ways to incorporate little acts of mindfulness into our day.

3.1 Mindful Mornings

Sometimes how we start our day can impact the entire flow of the day.

One habit I am working on is starting my day with mindful moments — just 10-15 minutes of quiet time. Right now I like to scroll through social media and while I scroll right past videos that “aren’t positive,” I can do better. I’m not requiring myself to get up and do 100 jumping jacks. But my goal is to spend the moments in peace with my thoughts.

How can you start your day on a peaceful note? Brainstorm a few low-cost/low-energy ways you can start your morning with some mindfulness. Some examples are mindful breathing, setting positive intentions, or simply enjoying your favorite morning beverage..

3.2 Walk the Mindful Way

If the weather near you permits, get outside for a walk! Despite the humidity, one thing I love about spring and summer is the ability to get outside and walk. Walking instantly clears my head and helps me process difficult emotions. When walking, try paying attention to each step, the feeling of the ground beneath your feet, and the sounds around you.

3.3 Digital Detox for the Soul

We’ve talked about digital detoxes several times but the point remains clear. One way to shut out the noise and the stress is to disconnect from the digital noise. Schedule some time in your planner for you to walk away from your phone, your watch, and any tech devices to simply be present. Our digital companions can be both a blessing and a curse. We'll guide you on how to unplug and give your mind a break from screens, allowing it to rest and recharge.

Let’s Chat

How will you release stress and pursue inner calm this week? Let me know in the comments below!


Imani’s 2023 Favorites: Planner/Stationery Edition


Fall Self-Care: The Power of Silence and Mindfulness