Self-Care and Summer Vibes: Tips for Practicing Self-Care in the Summer

That feeling when it FINALLY warms up after one of the worst winters ever…

We clearly love the summer on this corner of the internet.

Between the food/barbeque, music/food festivals, and the long-awaited packing away of winter coats, summer is a time when we often find ourselves caught up in the excitement of social events and outdoor activities. As much as I love and appreciate the warmer weather, it’s still important to not get “lost in the sauce” and continue to practice self-care. Let’s chat about how we can practice self-care in the summer through self-reflection, mindfulness practices, and downtime away from social activities.

The Power of Self-Reflection

As corny as it sounds, I love to sit outside on a summer morning, listen to the birds chirp with the sun warm on my face, and to just simply think.

Summer is the perfect time to slow down, reflect, and reconnect with ourselves (and to do it outside in nature)! It's a chance to reevaluate our self-care goals, habits, and overall well-being. Harness the energy and good vibes from the sun this summer by taking time to reflect.

Here are some self-reflection practices to incorporate into your sunny days:

  • Journaling: Take 5-10 minutes each day to grab your favorite notebook or planner to write down your thoughts, goals, and dreams. Be present in these moments. Use the time to process your feelings, experiences, and progress.

  • Mindful walks: Take leisurely walks in nature. Allow your mind to wander without thinking about work or whatever is stressing you out. If you struggle with mindfulness, try challenging yourself by clearing your mind and focusing on the 5 senses. What do you see, smell, hear, taste, and touch?

  • Digital detox: It’s time to put down the phone y’all. Unplug from technology when you can. A couple of weeks ago in June, we did a digital cleanse challenge and it really shifted my perspective on spending time away from all electronics, including my laptop and tablet. Incorporate more tech-free moments this summer!

  • Gratitude practice: Cultivate gratitude for the joys of summer, no matter how big or small. Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you appreciate about this season—whether it's the colorful sunsets, outdoor festivals, vacations, or quality time with loved ones. Allow these moments of gratitude to deepen your appreciation for the season.

Long story short, take every opportunity you can to be present and give thanks!

Prioritizing Downtime

Summer is the time for picnics, festivals, events, and more. I swear it feels like my weekends are BOOKED for the next couple of months and summer just started.

Don’t get caught up, friend.

Don’t forget to honor your need for downtime and rest. Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, ambivert, or omnivert, prioritizing rest is crucial for maintaining physical and mental well-being. Here's how to make the most of your downtime during the summer:

  • Schedule "me time": It’s time to grab your planner! Set aside regular blocks of time to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's reading a book, taking long baths, or indulging in hobbies, make it a priority to nurture yourself.

  • Say "no": It's easy to get caught up in the summer frenzy, but sometimes you have to decline some invitations or activities that don't align with your self-care goals. Focus on what truly brings you joy and gives you the rejuvenation you need.

  • Create a cozy haven at home: where’s “home” for you? Pick a calming space in your “home” where you can retreat to unwind, recharge, and find solace in the summer chaos. Decorate it with items that bring you comfort, such as soft blankets, scented candles, or plants that add a touch of nature.

Don’t forget to rest when you need it!

Financial Self-Care

Now is NOT the time to forgo your financial self-care goals.

By practicing mindful spending, we can enjoy the summer without sacrificing our financial stability. Here are some tips for incorporating financial self-care:

  • Set a budget: You might need to adjust your schedule for the season and that’s okay. Establish a summer budget that allows for both enjoyment and responsible spending.

  • Seek affordable alternatives: I love to swipe my card and earn my points but there are plenty of free and low costs events out there! Explore free or low-cost activities, local events, and creative ways to have fun without breaking the bank. Also, it’s the perfect time to enjoy free outside activities, like a nature walk or picnic.

  • Plan for the future: Use the summer as an opportunity to evaluate your financial goals, save money, and make wise investments. Consider automating your savings or researching investment opportunities that align with your long-term plans.

Self-care and summer vibes is all about BALANCE.

We can still enjoy the summer while striking a balance between embracing the vibes and prioritizing self-care. By incorporating self-reflection, mindfulness practices, downtime away from social activities, and financial goals, we can still enjoy the summer responsibly!

How will you incorporate self-care into your summer plans? Comment below!


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