10 Effective Self-Care Activities for Fall

Call me basic but I absolutely love pumpkin spice lattes. Actually, let me rephrase. I love everything about Fall. The flavors, scents, fashions, and color schemes. Everything about Fall screams cozy and functional.

While it's easy to get swept up in the beauty and nostalgia of autumn, it's also the PERFECT time to focus on self-care. As the days grow shorter and the weather cools down, practicing self-care becomes essential to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. In this blog post, we'll explore ten ways to embrace self-care this fall.

Morning Mindfulness

Start your day right with a moment of mindfulness. I get it, life can be busy! But if you don’t take care of yourself, who will?

If you can find at least one or two minutes of your day to find a quiet spot and engage in some deep breathing exercises. Focus on the present moment, and let go of any worries or stress. This simple practice can set a positive tone for your day.

If mindfulness is new to you, try closing your eyes and noticing your senses. What do you see? What do you smell and feel? Can you hear anything? By quieting your environment and becoming aware of your senses, you can clear your mind and work on setting your tone for the day.

Cozy Up with a Good Book

As the weather turns chilly, there's nothing quite like curling up with a captivating book and a warm beverage. Sounds like a Pinterest photo, right? Whether you prefer classic novels, mystery thrillers, or self-help books, reading is a wonderful way to escape reality and practice mental self-care.

It’s no secret that I love reading! If you’re looking for recommendations, check out this list of some of my favorites!

Fall Flavors for Health

We can’t forget about physical self-care! When I say that I love fall flavors like pumpkin spice, I’m not talking about lattes only. I love pumpkin in general. Now is a great time to embrace the seasonal produce that this time of the year has to offer. Incorporate pumpkins, apples, and sweet potatoes into your diet.

Outdoor Adventures

Who doesn’t love a pumpkin patch, apple picking, or a hay ride?

The worst thing we can do is lock ourselves in the house waiting around for SAD. Bundle up in your coziest sweater and head outdoors for a brisk walk or hike, go to a patch or the farm, or find some other fall-related outdoor activity. Yes, it may not be as warm in your area as it used to be. However, getting outside (when possible) is crucial for my mental health and I’m willing to be that it is for you as well!

Create a Cozy Environment

Have you successfully stayed away from Target and Home Goods?

I haven’t. I’m practically done with my fall decor shopping already.

Financial self-care is still important so now is not the time to blow your budget. But do what you can to make your living space a haven of comfort. Add soft blankets, plush pillows, and scented candles to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Surround yourself with things that make you feel safe and relaxed.

Express Gratitude

Fall is a season of harvest and thanksgiving. Take a moment each day to express gratitude for the things you have in your life. Keeping a gratitude journal can help shift your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant.

(Responsibly) Indulge in Self-Care Treatments

Treat yourself to some pampering when you can! I love running a warm bath, grabbing essential oils, and a good book to just enjoy the warm water to relax. What are some self-care treatments you can do? If you’re looking for more ideas, try a foot soak in epsom salt, face masks from your favorite beauty store, and a mani/pedi, just to name a few!

Embrace Hygge

Have you heard of Hygge (pronounced "hoo-gah") before? I hadn’t until Pinterest! According to this article, Hygge is a Danish concept that celebrates coziness and contentment. Incorporate hygge into your life by enjoying simple pleasures like hot tea, fuzzy socks, and quality time with loved ones.

I saw a TikTok once that said one of the keys to life is romanticizing your life. So as you grab your hot tea and favorite blanket, romanticize the moment! This approach to living can help you find joy in life's little moments.

Declutter and Organize

New season = it’s time to declutter. Take some time this month to simplify your surroundings. Ask yourself if there are items in your space that are no longer in use and would have a better home elsewhere. Take time to think about how you can simplify your environment!

Show Grace Always

Finally, remember that self-care is not selfish—it's essential. Give yourself permission to rest, recharge, and say no when needed. (Remember our boundaries conversation from last month!) Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being, and don't forget to check in with yourself regularly.

The weather may get cold but our self-care practices don’t have to be. Although we tend to slow down this season and stay inside, it’s more important during these times to strengthen our self-care practices. Incorporate some of these self-care practices into your fall routines to create a sense of balance and well-being that will carry you through the season.

How will you practice self-care this season? Comment below!


Fall Self-Care: The Power of Silence and Mindfulness


How to Set Boundaries: A Mini Guide