5 Professional Self-Care Affirmations To Get You Through the Day

Me after a regular work day…

Whew! If you’ve been on this side of the internet with me for a while, then you know that I don’t talk about professional self-care often. (In fact, the only time that I recall speaking about professional self-care on this platform is this blog post.) I don’t talk about professional self-care often because it’s my “weakest” area. No matter how much I meditate, journal, or drink water, work drains my mental, emotional, and physical energy on a daily basis. So before work, I try my best to meditate and get mentally prepared for the day. But by 11:00AM, I’m in survival mode.

This year, however, I told myself that (1) I am done with the bare minimum for professional self-care and (2) I really want to make an effort to thrive in the work day instead of just scraping by or surviving. I want to end the work day with enough mental, emotional, and physical energy to enjoy my evening (and not just on Fridays when I’m excited about the weekend)!

If you can relate, keep reading! I’ll share the first step I’m taking to tackle professional self-care this year.

First Step of Professional Self-Care in 2024

Of course, the first step I’m taking is creating affirmations to help me get through the workday! Affirmations are incredibly helpful for me because they force me to pause, focus on the words/phrases I am using, and practice mindfulness as I take a few moments away from the stress. This brief time away is incredibly important because it’ll help me step away from the chaos and remind myself that life exists outside of the stress and whatever issues come my way. I don’t know about you, but I need this reminder pretty frequently throughout the workday!

But it doesn’t stop at just choosing affirmations. I’m a huge advocate of writing down affirmations as well. Yes — there is power in the tongue. There is power in speaking life into yourself. However, there is also power in writing down these same words. There’s something special about seeing affirming words written down on paper, especially in your planner! So, I plan to use this affirmations by not only saying them when I’m stressed, but also by writing them down in my planner and creating a “self-care corner” in my planner (similar to what I did in my personal planner).

Here’s a picture of my self-care corner in my personal planner!

Five Professional Self-Care Affirmations

Here are five professional/workday related affirmations to get us through the day.

I release the desire to be perfect and accept that mistakes happen.

I am more than my job title and career.

I refuse to allow negative people and situations to take me out of my character.

My reaction to my emotions, my feelings, and difficult situations are my responsibility.

I am more than capable.

New work opportunities and good experiences flow to me easily.

Do you have any professional related affirmations? Share them below!


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