How to Stay Consistent With Your Goals in 2024

When is it no longer acceptable to say Happy New Year….

Happy Ne—

Just kidding!

Either way, we’re still in early January and I can almost guarantee you that you’ve been seeing and receiving endless content about preparing goals/resolutions for the new year.

Now listen, I really don’t mind this content. As someone who (1) is incredibly goal-oriented and (2) finally feels like they’re in the right headspace to accomplish goals, I feel ready to conquer all the goals and intentions that I set for myself this year. However, like I mentioned in a recent email, I just feel like there is one piece of content that can be missing:

The How.

Yes I have all of these goals and intentions for the year. HOW do I stay consistent? How do I know if my goals are working? How do I use different tools/methods to encourage myself when I’m feeling lazy or down?

So let’s talk about that here!

Here’s how to stay consistent with your goals in 2024!

Buy a planner. (If you’re new to the planner world and don’t know where to start, grab my free planner newbie guide here.)

Yes, that’s it! A planner, whether digital or paper, is one of the most effective ways to stay consistent with your new goals and resolutions. Seriously though, we’ll have a hard time being consistent with our self-care goals if we don’t take an intentional approach to our taking steps toward our goals.

Why a Planner, You Ask?

I truly thought long and hard about this question. A planner is basically mandatory for staying consistent with your goals because our goals, dreams, and aspirations deserve a tangible “home.” Like we discussed earlier, this is true regardless of whether you use a digital or paper planner. How good are your goals and your plan to attack them if they’re all in your head? In other words, a planner isn't just a notebook; it's a canvas for your goals, a sanctuary for your thoughts, and a roadmap for your self-care journey.

Now that we’ve identified the missing key, let’s talking about how to use the key. Here's how you can harness the power of planning to elevate your well-being and stay consistent with your goals in 2024.

Set Intentional Self-Care Goals

Let’s start with a softball answer:

Use your planner to create clear and achievable self-care goals for the year. Whether it's dedicating time for mindfulness, embracing a new hobby, or creating stronger connections with your family/friends, let your planner be the blueprint for your intentions. If you don’t know where to start, most goals can be categorized into one of the eight areas of self-care, so you can start there! Write down the categories on a page and brainstorm goals for each type of self-care.

Create a Schedule that Nurtures You

How often do you take care of yourself during the day? Whether it’s five minutes to sit in the car before walking into work or an extra minute in the shower with your favorite essential oils, you deserve some time to nurture you.

Use your planner to help identify and block out dedicated time for self-care activities in your daily and weekly schedules. Personally, I need a few minutes after work to reset my mind and release any stress I’m carrying from the day (which is usually every day tbh). The important thing here is to know yourself and know what you need. Do you have 5 minutes before your work day to complete deep breathing exercises? Maybe you listen to your favorite podcast or audiobook while grocery shopping.

We have to address the obvious issue here. Of course, things may change because plans change. However, that’s the beauty of different planner tools these days. You can use erasable pens (like the Pilot FriXion Synergy) or sticky notes (like my current favorite here) to rearrange your schedule and find some “me time” that will work for you.

Treat these appointments with the same importance as any other commitment. Your planner becomes your ally in ensuring you prioritize yourself amidst life's demands.

Reflect and Celebrate Progress

You know we like to celebrate progress over here!

Planners are for more than just writing a to-do list. You can use your planner, particularly your past spreads, to notice patterns and progress on your goals. I love looking back at my planner inserts or my goal tracker to see my progress and give myself a little pay on the back. Carve out some time each week or each month to revisit your planner to reflect on your journey. Celebrate the victories, learn from the challenges, and adjust your course accordingly. The act of reflecting within the pages of your planner is a powerful tool for personal growth.

Inspiration On-the-Go

Carry your planner (or one of your planners) with you wherever you go. From sudden bursts of inspiration to moments of reflection, having your planner handy ensures that your self-care journey is part of your daily life.

If you’re like me, then your planner just might be a “stay at home” agenda. I get it, my personal planner does not leave the house unless I’m going to my parents’ house or to a coffee shop to do some work. If you have a “stay at home” planner, then you can still have inspiration on-the-go by incorporating a digital planner, like Google Calendar or Apple’s Calendar, into your self-care journey. Keep affirmations, reminders, your word of the year, and more in your “on the go” planner so you have inspiration with you even outside of your home.

Let’s Do This Together

Have you ever heard of the saying, there’s power in numbers?

Well there’s power in community, too.

Another way to stay consistent with your goals this year is to be in community with others who are working to achieve their goals and intentions for the year! If this is you, join the “With Intention and Self-Care” community (hosted by yours truly, and it’s free)! Every other week, we have planner and self-care chats with endless tips and recommendations. Here’s the link if you’re interested!

Let’s Chat

What planner are you using in 2024? My main planner is my half-letter set up using Cloth & Paper products. So I can use different inserts to track daily habits and stay consistent with my goals. What about you?


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