How I Write Powerful and Effective Affirmations

Affirmations are an essential part of my self-care routines. I finally gained the courage to share some of my affirmations on my Instagram page. I love reading everyone's comments especially because I use to struggle with this process. It's harder than it looks! So, I decided to share a few tips on how I write effective affirmations. 


Self-reflection is the first, and arguably most important step. I don't write affirmations for fun and giggles. These statements should be effective by addressing a current struggle or by encouraging me. So, I like to self-reflect and look inward to find what I'm struggling with at the time. Sometimes, this process is easy, which is typically when I am having a rough day, week, month, etc. For example, I struggle with self-doubt. I have big goals and dreams that scare me 95% of the time. So, I recently wrote this affirmation: I release self-doubt to make room for confidence and success. 

This is one of my favorite affirmations! I'm sure I will refer back to it when my self-doubt inevitably arises again.

Don't just write or say affirmations because they sound nice. Address wounds or encourage yourself in a way that will be effective for your growth and development. 


The next step is to draft the affirmation. Sometimes I write down the draft language. Other days, I'm lazy. So I just type the language in my phone or talk through it aloud. 

This step might be the hardest to accomplish. Well, let me clarify: this step was hard for me. I realized that after I found my topic, I need to adjust the verbiage to get the right feel and vibe. So here are a few verbs I frequently use for my affirmations: release, affirm, open, deserve, declare, reject, attract, choose, and align. 


Test your affirmation before writing it out! Before I test my draft , I prepare body, mind, and spirit by closing my eyes, taking a few deep breaths, and clearing my mind. Then, I say the affirmation aloud a few times to make sure it resonates with me. I can't explain how you'll know that you have an effective affirmation. You just know it after you say it.

So do you write affirmations? I've worked hard to cultivate my self-care practices this year. Affirmations are new pieces of the puzzle. But I'm still new to this world. So feel free to share any tips you have about writing effective affirmations!


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