Setting Boundaries: An Introduction

“Life is busy” is often an understatement, right?

But when we think about it, there are soooo many things in this world that compete for our attention: work, cell phones and tablets, gaming, family, and more. If we’re not careful, we often forget about ourselves. We often forget our boundaries.

I’ll speak for myself: when life is busy, I often forget about myself and my boundaries.

Enough is enough.

In August, let’s reinstate and reinforce our boundaries, which requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and the courage to prioritize our needs and values. In this blog post, we will delve into the profound importance of setting boundaries and explore how they create a positive impact on our lives.

what does “boundaries” even mean?

As always, let’s start from the beginning and talk about boundaries. Merriam-Webster defines boundaries as the things that indicate or fix a limit or extent. In this context, boundaries are the invisible lines that mark the limits of our emotional, physical, and mental space. They are the clear demarcation between where we end and others begin. Boundaries help us maintain a sense of self while interacting with the world around us. When we establish boundaries, we define what is acceptable and what isn't, both for ourselves and in our relationships.

why are boundaries important?

Setting boundaries is an act of self-advocacy, a demonstration of our worthiness to receive respect and consideration. It empowers us to articulate our needs and assert our values confidently. By advocating for ourselves, we not only reinforce our self-esteem but also encourage others to treat us with the dignity we deserve.

social self-care 

In the context of social self-care, setting boundaries is essential in cultivating healthy relationships with others. When we communicate our limits and needs effectively, we enable others to understand and respect our boundaries. This fosters trust, empathy, and open communication in our relationships. By setting boundaries, we create an environment where we feel valued, heard, and supported, which strengthens the bond between us and our family/loved ones.

mental and emotional self-care 

Boundaries are protection.

They act as a shield that protects our mental and emotional well-being. They help prevent emotional burnout, stress, and overwhelm by allowing us to allocate time and energy to activities and people that truly matter to us. Without boundaries, life can be relenting — we’re pulled in all directions, leading to emotional exhaustion and a diminished sense of self. By setting limits, we prioritize self-care and create space for personal growth and self-discovery.

professional self-care.

Whew, I could talk about this forever. Boundaries are equally crucial in our professional lives. They enable us to strike a healthy work-life balance, preventing burnout and enhancing productivity. Clear boundaries help us manage expectations, prioritize tasks, and communicate effectively with colleagues and superiors. By setting limits at work, we demonstrate professionalism and self-respect, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and career success.

let’s continue the conversation

we’ll talk about setting boundaries this entire month. the invisible lines of boundaries not only preserve our mental and emotional well-being but also nurture the relationships we hold dear.

for now, here’s a journal prompt:


How to Set Boundaries: A Mini Guide


How to Fall (and Stay) in Love With Your Planner