How I’m Choosing My 2025 Word of the Year

The days are long but the nights are short. 

I grew up hearing this phrase and as I get older, the phrase rings truer and truer each year. Every time I blink, the calendar inches closer to 2025 and I find myself in a contemplative state. The process of selecting a word of the year is one of my favorite reflective activities - giving me a steady guidepost as I journey through life. But this time around, things are changing.

In the past, I’ve often reflected or journaled before choosing a word. This prework will come along with me as I pick my 2025 word. However, there are things in life that often get in the way of me truly appreciating and embodying my guiding word. I mean, to be honest, I myself often get in the way of me truly appreciating and embodying my guiding word.

In this post, I’m sharing how I’m choosing my 2025 word of the year and what I’m doing differently this time around.

No Comparisons

Comparison is ripe everywhere. It’s hard not to compare these days as we are inundated with aesthetics, inspirations, hauls, and more. Something as small or simple as a word of the year is not immune to this phenomenon. Personally, I struggled with comparing my word of the year to anything and everything. If I saw something more creative or unique then mine, I secretly and internally told myself that we should have done better. In hindsight, this is stupid (and rarely do I call anything stupid).

For 2025, I’m not comparing my word of the year to any one else’s word, nor am I comparing it to my prior words.

I’m doing the work I need to do to choose the word that resonates with me the most and my desired journey in the upcoming year. That is more than enough.

Releasing Expectations

I’ll be the first person to admit that there is a lot of self-imposed pressure on choosing a word of the year. Is my word of the year creative enough? Is it unique? Have I seen it used before? In fact, have I used it before? Is this word my best one yet?

Enough is enough.

This year, I’m telling myself that I truly don’t need to choose the best word nor do I need to choose the word that addresses all my emotional and self-care needs. Who cares if I’ve seen someone use that word before? What is most important is that the word resonates with me. The word needs to be personal yet general enough to remind me of my 2025 goals and intentions. Most importantly, the word needs to be easy to remember and recall so that I can rely on it for motivation when I’m feeling down or uninspired.

More Flexibility

There is some underlying pressure to choosing your word of the year. You have to get it just right, right? It has to be the perfect word!

Well why does it have to be a word? Also, why does it have to be flexible?

This time around, I’m telling myself that it’s okay if I end up changing my word of the year. No one says that you have to keep that same word throughout the entire year. (And if there really is someone out there saying that, block them.) If you have these same struggles, tell yourself the same thing: it is okay if you change your word of the year. In fact, it makes sense. Life happens and priorities change. Why not have a new word every quarter? (This option is great if you are into the 12 Week Year approach.) In fact, why does your word of the year have to be a word? Could it be a phrase or affirmation? Perhaps it’s a scripture or verse from other religious texts. I mean, it could even be a symbol! As long as you choose something that resonates with you and reminds you of the why.

What Now?

Know that you are not alone in your journey! As we enter the holiday season and the end of the year, many of us will be slowing down, reflecting on the year, and prepping for the new year. As you choose a word or phrase of the year, consider what you will do differently this year.

And as always, we’re in this together!

Need inspiration? Check out this blog post with word of the year inspiration.

Completely new to the process and have no idea where to begin? This blog post offers some step-by-step guidance on choosing a word of the year.

We got this.

Really, the goal here is to remember that you have control over your word of the year and you can make it whatever you want.

Did you choose your starting word or phrase (or symbol tehehe) of the year yet? Share below!


Meet: Dr. Shannon Thomison


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